Message of Panjshir Higher Education Institute Chancellor

1 month 3 weeks ago

The recent remarkable attention of the Ministry of Higher Education caused that the universities smoothly continue their enterprise, excellence, improvement and academic betterment and Panjshir University as the center of intellectual enlightenment, center of postmodern intellect, the house of maturity and intelligence committed to educate and offer smart, innovative, literate and highly intellectual individuals to Afghan Society and the World, so our graduates will potentially meet the due skills, attitude and knowledge of stakeholders, employers, society and work market

Maulvi Mustafa Abu Saeed
 رئیس مؤسسه تحصیلات عالی پنجشیر

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Thu, Feb 06 2025 9:35 AM
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جلسهٔ‌ شورای رهبری مؤسسهٔ تحصیلات عالی پنجشیر برگزار شد. 

جلسهٔ‌ شورای رهبری مؤسسهٔ تحصیلات عالی پنجشیر برگزار شد. 

‏‎چهار شنبه مؤرخ ۱۷ دلو ۱۴٠۳ خورشیدی 
‏‎جلسهٔ شورای رهبری مؤسسهٔ تحصیلات عالی پنجشیر  تحت ریاست محترم دکتور مفتی عبدالحق حبیبی. . .

Sat, Oct 14 2023 11:18 AM
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The vision and mission of Panjshir Higher Education Institute

Wed, Oct 11 2023 11:05 AM
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It is brought to the notice of all the candidates of the public entrance exam of the year 1402, who have entered the four faculties of the Panjshir. . .